
How should the Christian respond to COVID-19?

Dear BPCWA worshipper, COVID-19 continues to fill headline spaces in the news globally, affects the daily activities and livelihood of man, and has been a frequent part of our conversations for more than a year already. As far as we can see, these do not seem to be changing anytime soon. In our recent COVID-19 pastoral series, we have seen man’s frailty, God’s control, and why there are pestilences. In this final part, we need to know how the Christian should respond to this pandemic.

Stop trusting temporal treasures. When we see the strong that are suddenly overcome by sickness, when a basic human function like taking a breath is no more taken for granted, it makes one think if what many spend their waking hours pursuing is really worth it at the end of the day. When you see the rich and strong succumb to sickness and even die, you realise that what we used to think of as dependable isn’t dependable anymore. This pandemic has proven God’s truth. Don’t be like the rich fool who spent his life amassing “good things” for himself – “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?” (Luke 12:20)  The death toll of COVID-19 has not spared the rich, even as it strikes the poor. Whatever treasure you have on earth cannot help you, let alone bring you pleasure. Let us read about this parable of the rich man and see if that is a reflection of our life, and repent of our pursuit of earthly treasures because we think we can trust in them to help. Even if you have the means to pay for hospitalisation, you may not have the oxygen that you need during your stay, as seen in some countries. This must change how we view our jobs, our possessions, and our families. Instead of pursuing these temporal things at the cost of our spiritual growth in the Lord, because we think these can make the difference, let us trust in what God tells us to set our affections and trust upon Him instead.

Hate sin. Reminders are to turn man to God. We saw last week how sin caused physical and spiritual disease to enter into every man’s being. Sin has the power to wreak such havoc both in the spiritual and physical realm and with far reaching effects. Sin is no small thing. Seeing sin’s horrendous effects of diseases and illnesses, it must make the believer hate sin. Sadly, we often have a light view of sin. We think that it is just a “little” disobedience, just a little “pleasure”. We must remember that Adam and Eve’s disobedience is not magnitudes away from our “little” disobediences that we often take for granted. Sin is the reason that one day the whole earth will be destroyed. Sin is what necessitated God to send His beloved Son to be the sacrifice for man’s sin. Sin has its consequences – in this life and the next. Let us transform our minds and no more look lightly upon sin. But for every sickness that we feel or that we see in others, it should make our hearts ache that sin continues to exist in our own lives and the lives of all around us. It must make us earnestly war against the lusts in our own souls, knowing that we can have the victory, as we have been freed from the bondage to sin through salvation. 

Be not anxious, but be at peace. Our Almighty God reminds us to “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Phil 4:6). Yes, new “normal” things seem dire. Will I lose my job? Will I be alright financially? Will I or my family member get infected? Will the vaccine help me? Stress and anxiety levels have gone up in people through this pandemic period. We have learnt that God is Almighty ie there is nothing that He cannot do, and God is Sovereign ie He is in absolute authority and nothing happens outside His control that He has not allowed. Hence, He can tell you, His child, to not be anxious about anything at all in your life. There is no need to be full of care and keep wondering what will be, and so forfeit this peace that He gives you, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). How can I stop being full of cares? God says that we should bring everything to Him in prayer. The key is to stop letting cares consume us but entrust our concerns with Him, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1 Pet 5:7). God cares for you – what a privilege and assurance! The hymn writer rightly points out why we worry – “all because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer”!

Be a good testimony for God. Are you still full of doom, gloom, and complaining about what has become the new normal because of COVID-19? Think about our testimony, especially when Christ encourages us, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” It is our best time to testify this truth about life in God. Our fears, panic, anxiety, and frustration do not bring glory to God because it makes us no different from unbelievers who have no hope or help. It is encouraging to see elderlies in our midst continuing to trust in God cheerfully. Our duty is to perform our human responsibilities in keeping safe according to the medical authority’s recommendations but to continue to trust cheerfully in God. Coming to church to worship, learn His Word, and fellowship as God permits, continuing in our areas of service for Him, and evangelising are examples that we are not fearful but going on in our life for the Lord. When God has blessed WA with His good keeping, let us not stay away from church and the worship of Him when the government has allowed us to, based on medical advice. Cheerfulness in such a time reflects our trust in our living and victorious God. The unbeliever cannot find peace in his heart, let alone be cheerful. Our state of heart shows that we can be cheerful because we are able to submit to all things that occur to us because we trust our infinitely wise and kind God. How can you ask someone to believe in such a God when you have no peace and cannot be cheerful within you? Parents, how can you tell children that your God is real when they see that you are often more afraid than even unbelievers are?

Continue to be thankful.  What is God’s will for me even in a pandemic situation? God tells us, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thess 5:18). We still must count the ongoing blessings of God in our lives even during COVID19, especially in Perth. We still can have the freedom to come to church, we still can serve Him, and we still can fellowship with others freely. We have the needed basic physical necessities of life like electricity, running water, daily food, access to doctors, and access to education. We have electronic means of communication and livestreaming for church services even when there is a lockdown. We still have family and church friends. And the list goes on, “When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done”. We displease God when we just focus on and mourn about the pandemic and its restrictions that have altered life as we used to know it, but forget how He continues to bless and keep us in so many other areas of our lives. Murmuring angers God, “Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer” (1Cor 10:10).

Live each day for God.  When people or names that you once knew, active and healthy, become one of the digits on the death toll of COVID-19, you realise that you too have an “expiry date” and your end can come sooner than you realise. Our days are numbered by God, pandemic or no pandemic. But the pandemic makes this fact clearer to us, “ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (Jas 4:14). This fact suddenly becomes something that you actually relate to more about concerning yourself – not just something which happens to the very elderly. The announcement of the number of fatalities marks individuals who once had lives, who once ran, jumped, cried, laughed, worked . . . the very things that you do now without thinking. If your vapour were to expire tonight, how would you spend today? Yes, none can escape the effects of the original fall. But remember, God can chastise the believer with a particular illness due to unrepentant sinning too. Make your life count – the only lasting usefulness of this vapour called life is only when that life is used for seeking first the kingdom of God (Luke 12:31). 

There is a coming judgement that will be far worse than scenes of the COVID-19 mass graves. The sufferings of hell are indescribably far more painful than any disease. One day, Christ shall return as the reigning King and Judge of all the earth. When shall that time be? Christ told His disciples some of the signs of those times. Mt 24:7-8 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.” The time is short. If Jesus Christ is not your Savour, cry to Him in repentance now. If you are a born-again believer, then make your life count – starting today.

Yours in our Lord’s service,
