
BPCWA Children Holiday Program and You (Yes, you)

Dear BPCWAians, We are going to have the Children Holiday Bible Program (CHBP) in two weeks’ time (18 – 20 December, 8:45 am – 12 pm). Before you think it is a children’s program and will not be interested, please read on. It is good for us to understand why we started this program so that you can do your part to support its spiritual purpose.

Purpose of CHBP. There are 2 key aims. The first is based upon Prov 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Hence in CHBP, we teach the children key topics which aid them in their spiritual growth and walk with the Lord. Many Christians remember fondly such programs that they went through during their holidays when they were young. Some lessons learnt made a key impact which remained in their lives as they grew up, keeping them from certain sins, and even drawing them back to their Lord when they backslide. It is certainly no surprise, because it is God’s promise in Prov 22:6. This is a great encouragement for this work, and for the Sunday School work as well. This passage in Proverbs must be even greater motivation for parents who spend far more time with their children than any program can in church. Topics are specially chosen to help them know God better and also to deal with the areas which they may struggle with even at a young age. At the same time, the Gospel of salvation is always a key part of CHBP. We cannot assume the children attending our church are saved. Since it is also evangelistic, we do open CHBP to friends outside of BPCWA. Some Christians also remember how they got saved through such holiday programs.

The second aim is based upon Eph 5:15-16 “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Free time is frequently a dangerous time for children. Hence, CHBP seeks to provide a spiritual focus to the children during their holidays. In helping them use their holiday time in a useful way, it develops in them a continued interest in spiritual things even during school holidays. Instead of wasting their time in gaming, internet surfing, galivanting, being in the wrong company, or just idling, we hope CHBP will set them in the right frame of mind and heart on how they will spend the rest of their holidays.

What you can do. Matt 19:14, “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” There are a few things parents can do. 1) Make it a priority to bring them to this holiday program every year. BPCWA parents should always plan and purpose to bring their children to CHBP. This is why it is always published in our annual church calendar. There should be no excuse nor unwillingness, having known the aims of CHBP. This holiday program should be first in your plans for them, above others. 2) You can use the flyers to invite the children of your friends, or to give to other parents when you pick up your children at school. 3) You can encourage your child to invite their friends and classmates.

If you are not a parent, there are also similar things you can do. 1) Use the flyers to invite your friends, colleagues, and others you come in contact with who have children. 2) Invite your nephew, nieces and grandchildren to come. 3) Support this work in much prayer.

But parents have more that you can still do. 1) ensure that your child does the homework given to them to reinforce the learning by doing it with them (not for them). 2) ask them what they have learnt and how they will apply the lessons. You can go through the crafts which are designed to remind them of the lessons.

The program for this year.This year’s theme is “My Quiet Time with God” based upon Psa 63:1 “A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is”. The purpose is to help children understand the importance of daily devotion. Just like adults, children will not grow spiritually without a proper quiet time daily with God in Bible reading and prayer. So, besides teaching the children the importance of daily Bible reading to know God and what He commands, CHBP will set apart time for them to practice it in church. They will also be taught to do so at home after CHBP too. Time is set apart during CHBP where they will then share what they read and what they prayed for. For the younger ones, we encourage parents to read to them, and to pray with them at home. The aim is to form a habit of daily devotion time with the Lord. And it also encourages parents to do so with their younger children, thus being the habit builder themselves. There was child who recently shared with me that she asked the Lord to be her Saviour and she confessed her sins and asked God to forgive her, save her, and make her His child while she was reading her Bible alone in her room. We see the change that has come over the child’s life since then. How the Lord’s Word works in the hearts of our children!

Do support the CHBP with much prayer that the Lord will use it to inculcate a quiet time routine in our children.

Yours in our Lord’s service
