
Opportunities for Evangelism

Dear BPCWAians, We talked about evangelism last week – why do we evangelise, how to evangelise and when to evangelise. Since the Great Commission is commanded for all believers, then it means that every worshipper must be a soul winner. Sadly, this has become the Great Omission instead. Evangelism is not an “elite spiritual” activity where only a “select few” are involved, but for everyone. Perhaps it is because we are not conscious of the many daily opportunities for evangelism. So, today, I want to cover a bit more about the several avenues available for us to be able to tell others about the good news. I hope that some of the following suggestions will help to set you thinking and acting to reach out to others to bring them to God.

Tracting or Street Evangelism

Action on your part–go forth with BPCWA as a group.

Question to you: Have you gone out with BPCWA for evangelism before?

These are “organised” activities where we may go out in groups to designated places for the purpose of evangelism. For example, in BPCWA, during our City Evangelism or Australia Day outreaches, we would go to various places around Perth and speak and/or give tracts to those around. These may be people who may simply be out for a picnic, or in the midst of shopping. Sometimes, they are people on the move, and all you can do is really to offer them a tract for them to read later. In some cases, you encounter those who are ready to stop to speak to you, allowing for the opportunity of saying more to them of the gospel. In some instances, you can consider knocking on the doors of homes and speaking to those who would open their doors. Door to door evangelism is a common way in some countries like Singapore. As we approach Christmas, do remember to bring along invitational leaflets from the church for such special events as well. You can perhaps think about these as “sowing”. When a farmer goes out and throws the seeds far and wide, it is in the prayerful hope that the seeds may land on some good soil. Such an outreach is very useful because it reaches out to a wide group of people that we are not likely to come across, in the regular schedules of our life. Whether you’re a first timer or have been doing evangelism for some time, this is always a good way to evangelise.

Church Activity or Events

Action on your part – Invite your loved ones, siblings, relatives, schoolmates, colleagues, neighbours, friends, parents of your children’s friends,etc to come to church.

Question to you: Have you at least invited someone to church recently? For most of us, we did not immediately receive the gospel the first time we heard of it. Very often, it is through regular contacts with a Christian, or at church. “. . . faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom 10:17) Sometimes, it does not always mean that you have to dispense the gospel during the first conversation with them. It may mean inviting them to church to hear the gospel. Or it can just start at getting them engaged with people at church, or the events and activities at church as well. Often, church events are good opportunities to reach out too. These are good opportunities to invite people to church and at the same time to be able to speak to them about the gospel. As part of God’s instrumentalities, He uses the church as one of His means to speak of His Gospel and His truth. So, we must not overlook the fact that church activities or events are important avenues to reach out to unbelievers as well. Here are some that you can consider:

Worship service, Sunday Bible Studies, BBK:These are regular on Sunday, starting with Bible Studies at 9am and Worship at 10am.

– Fellowship meetings: Perhaps you have a friend who has never visited a church and is not ready to come for Worship Service. If so, then consider inviting him or her to join our fellowship meetings. The topic for most of our fellowship meetings are announced in our bulletins 2 Sundays prior to the event. Every year, we conduct a series of messages on special subjects some of these topics may be of interest to some of our friends. Each time you read the announcements, think about who you know that may be interested in coming for the meeting, and invite them.

Children Sunday School activities: Once a year, the Sunday School committee also plans for a program for the children during their school holidays. This is not just intended for children within the church from our Sunday school, but is intended to serve as an outreach to those outside of BPCWA as well. Many parents are often at a loss as to how to fill their children’s time during their holidays. Some would welcome the thought of sending them for an activity at church during this time. The next one will be held in December. Start thinking today about who you can invite for this activity.

Special events: In our calendar, we set aside days to commemorate key Christian events. Very often, it may not even occur to us to invite friends, because it has been ingrained so much into part of our “regular schedule”. But think of Reformation Sunday, Easter and Christmas and other such events as an opportunity to invite friends to come to join us in church to learn about His saving work and His Gospel.

Special Personal Occasions

Action on your part- consider using your family occasions as a gospel outreach as well.

Question to you: Have you used any personal engagements to reach out to someone?

For example, if you are planning a children’s party or outing and are inviting unbelievers, or celebrating a birthday for elderly parents, or a child’s graduation, use these as Gospel opportunities. After all, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Cor 10:31) Include a Gospel message where you can – as part of the celebration, or in your testimony, or as a tract tucked together with a welcome or door gift. Instead of focusing only on fun and celebrating your milestone in life, give God the glory. Speak of the help that He has given you so that you can even have a reason for celebrating this occasion, speak of how the Gospel has changed your life, and very importantly, speak of the Gospel. When thinking of gifts, give your guests something to bring back that they can read about (eg Tracts) or continue to be reminded of the Gospel. But, with or without the gospel message, all such occasions must be “as it becometh the gospel of Christ.” (Phil 1:27) Let them be Christlike, testifying of the holy God that will one day judge sin.

I hope that all these pointers will help every one of us to make it a practical reality to always be ready to “preach the word; be instant in season, out of season” (2 Tim 4:2).

Yours in our Lord’s service
