
Recapturing our 2022 Church Theme

Dear BPCWA worshipper, We have come so quickly to the end of 2022. Our church theme for this year was taken from Matthew 25:13, “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” The aim was to stir us to be watchful for our Saviour’s Return. As always, I will recapture some of the key aspects of this theme at the end of the year. My prayer is that we will all not forget the lessons even after the year has ended and a new church theme starts but instead will continue to live out this theme in our lives till we meet our beloved Saviour.

Why does God give us prophecies? Our Lord Jesus was asked privately, “. . . Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matt 24:3). He did not avoid this question but provided detailed prophecies in various spheres on earth. However, while making known the signs, He also gave the parable about the wise and foolish virgins and the parable of the talents. Why? Well, so that man will be wise instead of foolish after having known what is to come, and what they should do to be wise. So, God reveals future events and has them recorded so that His people would live in view of those prophecies. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This is one key reason for choosing this theme. Have we taken heed and been living wisely when the signs are so clear in our times? We have only one life to live on earth. Once we meet the Lord, there are no second chances to relive our lives. You must be sure of your salvation. You will either meet Christ as your Judge who will send you to eternal fiery judgment or as your Lord and Saviour who will receive you into heaven forever. And if you are saved, how you lived for the Lord on earth will determine if everything you have done will be burnt up or be turned into eternal rewards that are pleasing to God.

What are the signs of these prophecies in our times? Our Lord answered with prophecies in the political, ecological, ecclesiastical, and social spheres. 1) Political. Wars and rumours of wars, with nations rising against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms. The current situation between Russia and Ukraine and the threats of a nuclear option must awaken us. The superpowers of the world have never been more volatile and intensive till recent years (v7). Israel becoming a nation again (v32) has occurred against all odds in 1948. 2) Economics and Ecological. Famines, pestilences, and earthquakes (v7) are so prevalent now. Despite being in a highly technologically advanced age, starvation and malnutrition are growing. Many inexplicable diseases are seemingly beyond control and escalating despite medical science’s advancements. The COVID-19 situation we are in seems to not have any light at the end of the tunnel. Earthquakes are larger and more frequent in our age. In fact, these signs are so common that mankind is seemingly no longer shocked or concerned. Volcanic eruptions and lava flows around the world are publicised for their visual impact rather than seen as ominous warning signs. Although such events are so common, it does not mean that these prophecies being fulfilled are not signs that the believers should take seriously and awaken to the urgency of living for Christ.  3) Ecclesiastical. There will be false Christs and false prophets (vv 5, 11, 24). Many Christians will be deceived (v11, 24). The “Christ” of the health and wealth gospel is not the Christ of the Bible. Many are deceived and even believers have been taken in. But those who follow the straight and narrow path, defending the Truth, and living in obedience to God’s Word are hated around the world for bearing Christ’s Name and persecuted (v9). In fact, the false and deceived Christians will even take sides with the world and betray true believers by going against them. Aren’t many true Christians already facing this today as they live and speak according to Biblical Truths? This is because adherence to the Truth will be socially unacceptable and is perceived as being bigoted by many. Sadly, but truly, many Christians’ love for Christ will be cold (v12) because of the love of self and love for the world. The consecrated Christian life is either seen as unnecessarily strict or even scorned as legalistic and extreme by unbelievers and even by many Christians. The mentality today is that giving God the leftovers is fine because God exists to please us. 4) Social. Society will be like the days of Noah, just preoccupied with the carnal life and living for the moment, disregarding the warnings of God (vv37-38). How this scene reflects the times. Hedonistic self-indulgence and the fine dining and wining life of epicureanism are what most people care and live for. Most do not care about the destiny of their souls but care mainly about living for and in the moment. Woefully, many believers have been influenced too. These signs are so evident before us. How can we continue to ignore them and slumber on as believers?

How must my life change? No one will know the day or hour of Christ’s Return. That is how God intends it to be. How should it awaken my slumbering and careless walk? Perhaps an illustration may help us respond aright. If people do not know when and where a speed camera will be on the road during their journey, they tend to be extra cautious and careful not to cross the speed limit even accidentally. But when motorists know when and where a camera will be, they tend to ignore speed limits until they are near the camera. As strangers and pilgrims on our journey to meeting Christ, we should travel through this life circumspectly, not carelessly ignoring the signs that God has kindly shown us. Not being told the exact time is to cause us to be vigilant, like the wise virgins. The wise virgins ensured that they were prepared for the bridegroom’s arrival. They knew he would come. So, they were not lazy but diligently made sure they had what was needed. With the ample signs of prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes in our lifetime, we must awaken and not fall into a dozy walk with God. In the parable of the talents, being found faithful when the master returns is the key theme. What are you doing with the life that God saved? What are you using all that God has graciously put in your hands for while He tarries? The good and faithful servant will be rewarded eternally. We do not live and serve Him for rewards but simply to please Him who died and rose again to save us. But the parable does tell us that how we live now will have an impact on our eternity. Let us live with eternity’s values in view from henceforth so that we will not have any regrets. It will be too late for you if you are not saved. It will also be too late if you are saved. The time to change is now. From henceforth, may our Lord grant us the grace to watch and live as if He may return today!

Have we been true to the trust He left us?  Do we seek to do our best?
If in our hearts there is naught condemns us, We shall have a glorious rest.

Blessed are those whom the Lord finds watching, In His glory they shall share;
If He shall come at the dawn or midnight, Will He find us watching there?

Yours in our Lord’s service,