Month: October 2024

Family Seminar: What Makes a Happy Marriage?  (Part 1)

Dear BPCWA worshipper, What makes a happy marriage must be something that interests every Christian. Even those called into singlehood must know how to respond so they do not unwittingly promote the world’s ideas, often imbibed through the media and those around us, concerning marriage. Seeking marriage merely for romance or to fulfil one’s “dream” will not result in a blissful marriage because it is not based upon the biblical model of marriage. Erroneous ideas will affect God’s people and future generations, detracting us from God’s design and purpose of marriage. Bad marriages affect not just the unhappily married, but those around them. Why do people divorce? Possibly because they didn’t bother or were unwilling to reconcile with each other,

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Headship and Submission in God’s House

Dear BPCWA worshipper, God expects His people to honour and submit to the authorities that He places over them in the government. We saw last week that submission even to bad rulers, in matters that are not sinful, is expected of Christians because it is submission to God’s authority. This week, I want to speak further on God’s plan for submission in the areas where Christ is even more obvious as Lord and Saviour, namely that of the church and the Christian home. This was a topic that I covered at the recent Family Seminar. I hope every worshipper, young and old, will desire to learn and make the effort to listen to the sermons (on our website) or watch

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Me, Submit? Really?

Dear BPCWA worshipper, We live in a world that promotes ideologies that are very contrary to what God says. Indeed, one of God’s commandments that can be repugnant to the people in the world is that of submission. Slowly but surely, Satan is moving the world’s mentality away from obedience and submission. Such sentiments have an inevitable influence on Christians’ thinking too. Media, governments, and schools constantly promote the values of individual rights, democracy, and independence. It is not the intent of this pastoral to argue for or against these. However, the great concern is how the trend can spawn an anti-authority and rebellious mindset which Christians must guard themselves against. We saw in our recent sermons on 1 Samuel

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