Month: July 2024

Camp Morning Devotion: Unity In the Church (Sermon 1 & 2)

Dear BPCWA worshipper, It is with much thanksgiving in our hearts that we were once again able to meet in person for our Family Camp. Over the next few weeks, I will summarise the sermons preached at the camp as an important recapturing of key lessons we should not forget, as well as for the benefit of all worshippers. BPCWA is, by God’s mercies, enjoying doctrinal unity and we must continue to stress on such unity. However, we must not underestimate Satan’s wiles to weaken our testimony by sowing seeds of internal disunity and strife. Hence, I invited Rev Ko Lingkang to record the morning devotion messages on the theme “Unity in the Church”, with 4 messages on “The Basis

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Time to Sow, Time to Seek

Dear BPCWA worshipper, We continue looking at God’s command, “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you” (Ho 10:12). Last week, we saw the importance of having prepared hearts as we come before God and listen to His Word. When we continue the same way regardless of whatever we hear, the easy excuse can be that “I’ve heard that before, it’s nothing new to me”. While the messenger of God’s Word must be faithful to what He proclaims, the hearer of His Word also has a responsibility to prepare their hearts to be ready for His Word. Let us

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