
Camp reflections (I) – Exceeding wisdom of the ants

Dear BPCWAians, As we have just concluded the English Family Camp, it is useful to summarize the messages that were preached at the camps. After spending so many days and nights receiving so many messages, we should not just walk away and forget some of the key lessons. Also, as a church, the summaries for the Devotions and Thematic messages would also be helpful for those who did not manage to attend. In this week’s  Pastoral,    I will begin with the Morning Devotion messages where I preached from Prov 30:24-27. We shall review Prov 30:24-25 first, “There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise: (25) The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;”

Wisdom in the small things. Over the 4 mornings, we studied about small creatures in God’s creation. While the world will draw our attention to the big, the loud, the brazen and the outwardly strong, God wants to draw our attention to these things which are “little upon the earth”, and learn from these often overlooked creatures. Although they were not made in His image, yet He has placed in each of them specific characteristics that make them “exceeding wise”. In Hebrew, the emphasis is that these are doubly wise. The world seeks courses that teach wisdom. But God points us not to the megacorporations of the world, but to these little things, which though often unnoticed, yet have an excellency in wisdom in certain instincts that He has created them with. And so, we must learn from them and treasure wisdom, because unlike the world’s thinking, wisdom is not necessarily associated with great physical capabilities. It also reminds us that the lack of size and outward strength is no excuse for not being wise.

Ants: Preparedness. Be Prepared! The first of the creatures mentioned are ants, which “are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in summer”. These are often so insignificant in our eyes that we kill them without a second thought. But God tells us to look at their spirit of preparedness. Harvester ants gather food back to their colony, knowing that winter will come, where food and the ability to gather food will be significantly limited. It is a matter of survival. Instead of last minute and unplanned actions, we too must plan ahead and be prepared that certain things will come. Ants are prudent because they plan in anticipation. And they workhardwhile they can. Under the ground, they burrow deep tunnels with different compartments. They work industriously and diligently with some clearing debris, storing food, and building new storage room while others foray for food to store up. Winter occurs every year and they take initiative to do whatever is needed. The world teaches us to live for the moment, be busy enjoying what is before you now. God does not want us to be anxious and worry about the future but He does expect us to exercise human responsibility and prepare for what is necessary. You know there is the Lord’s Day every week. Do you prepare for it by doing your homework, housework, work commitments as diligently as possible so that you can keep the Lord’s Day holy unto the Lord and also to be able to attend fellowship meetings? The common hindrance to preparedness is procrastination. Do not push things to the last minute and then just “wing it” when the time comes. It is dishonouring to God when we serve Him without planning and just react to whatever when the time comes. Church committees must plan ahead for all pre-known activities and prepare ahead by working diligently ahead of time. Also, it is also a poor testimony to be a student, parent, office worker if we do a sloppy job because we could have been prepared but we chose not to. Spiritual preparedness is even more important so that we will not fall spiritually. Unless God takes you home early, you know that you will grow into different phases of life. These phases are entering high school, university, entering the workforce or being jobless till then, singlehood or marriage, having children or not having children, and ageing with its associated issues. Each phase of life has its challenges. Preparing spiritually is critical when the time comes. How to be preparing and hence be not left in the cold and trouble? Keep studying the Word of God! You will need to store up a well of spiritual knowledge so that you can draw from it when the time comes. Students, do not be distracted by dating but instead be focused on growing spiritually so that you are ready when the proper time for courtship comes. Adults, do not be idle and live for the now instead of being constantly involved in a systematic study of the Word personally and in church. Elderlies, do not live to holiday and eat while you can but rather strengthen and renew your inner man for the winter days when you need the spiritual strength to meet difficult ailments.

God willing, next week will learn about the exceeding wisdom of the conies, locusts, and the spiders. But what we have learnt from the ant, let us begin to be exceeding wise. Let us always be prepared by planning, prudence, and not procrastinate any more when we know what needs to be done while it can be done.

Yours in our Lord’s service
