
BPCWA Media Ministry

Dear BPCWAians, Over the past few years, BPCWA has put in more effort by God’s grace to set up various means to enable worshippers to be well connected and informed about church activities, and to have access to sermons and Bible studies of our church. We do so with two fold purposes, having Psalm 43:3 in mind, “O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.” Firstly, we wish to aid the ongoing worship and spiritual growth of our worshippers. And we aim to make access as easy as possible, and for as many worshippers as possible. It is hence important that you are aware of what these avenues are, how to use them, and begin to use them. Secondly, we wish to make sound teaching available to other believers beyond our church. This is something you can also play your part in making it happen. If you know of a Christian who is unable to attend a sound Bible-believing church, or anyone who is looking for more opportunities to learn God’s Word, you can also let them know about our resources. You can encourage them to use these to help them grow spiritually, even if they are not in Perth, nor even in Australia!

Ongoing Spiritual Feeding. Here are some means by which you can continue to worship and to learn in real time, and also to revise lessons taught in BPCWA. (1) Live streaming is available for worship, prayer meetings, Bible studies conducted in main sanctuary (i/c : Caleb Cheng). Live streaming is not a substitute for coming to church, because God instructs Christians not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Heb 10:25). As mentioned in our announcement before, live stream is not to encourage you to not attend worship, prayer meetings, or fellowships. However, if you are traveling and there is no sound church to worship in, hospitalized, or unable to attend worship with us, live streaming is available to you. Through livestream, many worshippers travelling out of Perth have been able to worship God together with us on the Lord’s Day, as it telecasts the whole Worship Service, beginning even from the Prep Hymn and until the end of our Worship Service. Many have found this very useful. If you need it and have internet access, please send an email to av@bpcwa.org.au ahead of time, and a link will be sent to you.

Staying connected to BPCWA. Church activities are planned for your bene(2)YouTube channel, containing videos of our BBK lessons, various fellowship Bible studies, church combined fellowship series, and family camp messages (i/c : Yi Choong Liew). Click the YouTube logo on our church’s website (http://www.bpcwa.org.au/), and you will be linked to the recorded messages. You can even subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications when new videos are uploaded. (3)Archived audio sermons (i/c : Dn Adrian Cheng) for worship services, prayer meetings, and church combined fellowship meetings with notes. This is a valuable archive which allows you to revisit and revise the lessons and sermons which go as far back as 2012. You can even download these resources into thumb drives or CD’s to give them to your family back in another country, or to your friends, so they can listen or watch it more conveniently.fit. They allow you to come to learn God’s Word, provide you with the opportunity to serve our Lord, and to build fellowship bonds with your church family. We have learned today that a mature church and Christian is committed to learning God’s Word so as to live by it. Hence, it is essential that you keep track of church events, and have an updated church calendar.

(1)Calendar/Events Google calendar for church activities and fellowship meetings (i/c: Dn Adrian Cheng) on our church’s website. Did you know you that all you need to do is click the calendar links, “add these events to your calendar”, on the BPCWA website (on the right side of page) and it will automatically populate all our church activities onto your Google calendar? It is as simple as choosing which ones you wish to keep track of, and you will get calendar reminders for the events. Look for Dn Adrian with your handphone if you are still unable to do it, and he will quickly get you on it. It will help you plan ahead to keep yourself and your family free for example to come to serve in Busy Bee, O Day, and ensure that you will not miss Teens Q&A, Husbands and Fathers, Mothers Fellowship, Chinese Bible Study, Adelphe Bible Study and so on. Of course, for those who prefer, there is always the hardcopy bookmark church calendar available to you.

(2) Facebook (i/c : Dn Adrian Cheng). Just click the Facebook link. Unlike the prevalent use for social media, the aim of our church Facebook is not to compete for maximum visits, nor is it intended for leaving comments, nor to be used as chat groups to give their opinions. The purpose of our Facebook is mainly for information dissemination and providing relevant church updates to keep worshippers connected with the church. This is the primary use of technology in and around church – to allow for dissemination of information, sermons and messages. Do “like” our Facebook page, so that you will get updated on what’s going on in church automatically, or when new information is posted on our Facebook page.

Your usage. All the above are on our church website. Please bookmark it and start visiting BPCWA’s website (http://www.bpcwa.org.au). Much work went on and continues to go on to help you engage in the worship of God, study of His Word, service, and fellowship in BPCWA. Dn Eugene Leong is tasked with looking at the overall use of media in church. Do approach him if you have queries and he will help point you in the right direction. We have emphasized in the last 2 weeks that worshippers must engage in and be committed to the study of the Word so that our lives will be guided according to God’s Truth (Eph 4:12-16). This is the measure and ultimate goal of a maturing church and maturing Christian. If you are on the bus, in the kitchen, out in the garden, or out for a stroll, you can listen to sermons to keep your mind focused on godly thoughts. BPCWA is doing its part, and is committed to providing the facilities for your growth. One commitment you can start on is to update your calendar and start coming for the church’s activities if you have not been doing so. There is really no excuse for you to not be updated. The ball is in your court.

Yours in our Lord’s service
